Sunday, September 7, 2008

BBC Shakespeare Collection.

Between 1978 and 1985 the BBC produced the complete works of William Shakespeare for television broadcast. Every single one of his thirty-seven plays were included, except Edward III, the authorship of which was still in question at the time (per wikipedia). The plays had different directors and actors, and consequently, some productions were better than others.

I have lately gained access to this BBC collection and have been slowly going through them one by one. Over the weekend (yesterday to be exact) I watched Julius Caesar. Having not previously read the play, nor seen any production of it, I knew not what to expect. I must say, both the play and the players were oustanding. In particular, the performance of Richard Pasco, who played Brutus, was captivating. When Pasco was not onstage (onscreen?), I longed for him to return. Every line he delivered was delivered perfectly. His performance, was, well, superb. I'm telling ya', they got some good actors together for this one. As well they should, for the source material is exceptional. I've come across some plays of Shakespeare that I felt weren't up to par for the bard (The Tempest, A Winter's Tale, Titus Andronicus), but this play did not belong in that lot. I don't know quite how I should go about reviewing the play. I'm not a critic. I thought it was excellent, and worth reading, and seeing again. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I must watch. I became a little obsessed with Shakespeare in high school (who doesn't? oh, probably everyone...).
