Sunday, September 14, 2008

Nothing to report.

I have nothing to report. Wait, that's not entirely accurate. Actually I have a lot of things I could write about. It's just that I can't bring myself to write about them at the moment. Here's a summary in keyword format of my thoughts recently. This will have to suffice for now.

Lorna in Japan.

Diablo II is really kind of lame.

Visions of Johanna in Egypt are fucking relentless.

I'm 30 and doing what with my life?

My hair, it goes, to where, I not knows.

Kimya Dawson is vapid.

Today I liked air-conditioning.

Natalia got married!

Kitties remain my standby.

The Tempest is nothing like it's title would have you believe. Boo to you Shakespeare.

Opera? Firefox? Sigh.

My kitchen smells.